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Tag: haproxy

I use the excellent service from Beamy-Lake to have my own Nextcloud and ejabberd instance. As I travel a lot I faced the problem that in some WIFI’s some ports are forbidden for outgoing communication 😱. The solution is to use a Software which can handle TCP and HTTP via port 443 so that I can use my nextcloud and my jabber client on the same port.

A lot of enterprise applications are not yet cloud-ready or even designed as micro-services. Due to this fact, session stickiness is required for a lot of the enterprise Applications.
Let me explain how OpenShift Enterprise (= OCP) and origin can help you solve this topic for you.

I have now created a docker image and pushed it on docker hub, based on my post How to use haproxy 1.7 in openshift router openshift-origin-router-hap17You can use this image as image parameter as described in the doc Using a Different Router Image. For example. oc adm router region-west -o yaml \ --images=me2digital/openshift-origin-router-hap17:latest \ --credentials=${ROUTER_KUBECONFIG:-$KUBECONFIG} \ --service-account=router You can contact me for any further questions and orders